

contact: agnisart69@gmail.com

2006 – Accepted at ITSA Foundation, Indo-Tibetan Studies in Karma Guen, Velez- Malaga, Spain.
2005 - 2006 – Presentation of Doctoral Thesis in the faculty of Fine Arts at Valencia Polytechnic University, Spain (currently in progress)
2005 - Diploma of Advanced Studies, Type of studies: Doctoral. (Overall qualification of excellent) Fulfilled in the faculty of Fine Arts at Valencia Polytechnic University.
1999 – Graduated with an MFA (Master in Fine Arts) with honors in the Faculty of Interior Design at the Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts, Krakow, under Andrzej Glowacki's guardianship.
1998 – Member of the Polish Federation of Visual Artists.
1998 – MFA (Master in Fine Arts with honors) graduate of the Set Design Studio at the Painting Department of the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, under Jerzy Skarzynski's guardianship.

2004 – Commission for Historical Monument: Wawel Royal Castle Exhibition and Conference Centre (Centrum Wystawowo-Konferencyjne Zamek Królewski na Wawelu) Krakow, Poland.
1999 - Purchase of two series of works of art by the Instytut Ekspertyz Sadowych (Institute of Forensic Research), Krakow, Poland.
1999 – Donation of works of arts to the permanent collection of The Judaic Foundation - Center for Jewish Culture (Fundacja Judaic, Centrun Kultury Zydowskiej), Krakow, Poland.
2007 – Winner of the poster contest for the (Nerja Fair): Feria de Nerja, Nerja, Spain.
2002 - 2005 – Scholarship granted by the Headquarters of Cultural and Scientific Relations, (AECI) Madrid, Spain; Type of studies: Doctoral. Realized at the faculty of Fine Arts at Valencia Polytechnic University, Spain.
2001 – Fellowship granted by the Faculty of the Set Design Studio at the Academy of Fine Arts, to take part in the restoration of the interiors of a Private Palace, Saint Denis.
2001 – One of three national winners to participate in the exhibition European Way of Life, Carrousel Gallery in the Louvre Museum, Paris, France.
2000 – 1st prize for best multimedia graphic in the contest of the magazine "Computer Arts," #12, (16) Poland.
1999 – 1st prize in the Contest of the magazine "Magazyn 3D" for the visual project of the Gallery of Modern Art, Cafe Nautiulius, Cinema Pancernik Patiomkin in the Salt Mine Museum of Bochnia, Poland.
1998 – Final Interior Design MFA project in the exhibition of Best Works in the City Art Palace of Krakow, Poland.
2012 – Design, concept and corporate identity for Restauracja Bielsko & Cafe LUNITA
2011 – Co-design for Winter & Spring Fashion collection, with Anny Drabczynskiej, Cracow, Poland.
2010 – Art Director & Designer for Music Ensemble: "Sky Door 34", Miami, FL, USA
2009 – Freelance Photographer for the Karma Kagyu Cultural Association, Benalmadena, Spain.
2004 - 2005 – Graphic Designer for the Madrid Buddhist Association, Spain.
2002 – Successful completion of interior design project of private home: Dragoon 20, Bielsko Biala, Poland.
2001– Set design, collaborating with Malgorzata Lazarkiewicz's project The Desires to Fulfill, for channel TVP1- National Public Television, Warsaw, Poland.
2001 – Set design for music video of the group One, Two, Three, Krakow, Poland.
2000 – Set design for Maciej Pisuk's movie Gwiazdy I the Czlowieka (The Stars and the Destiny of Man) realized for Channel TVP 2- National Public Television, Warsaw, Poland.
1999 – Successful completion of interior design of restaurant project for the beer company OKOCIM, Brzesk, Poland.
1998 – Set design for the spectacle Jeremiasz, based on Karol Wojtyla's dramatic work, presented in the Visual Theatre, Krakow, Poland.
1997 – Set Design for the animated movie "K Kontra Kafka" realized for Channel TVP2 National Public Television, Warsaw, Poland.

2012 - Winner of grant for Exhibition Fordistas 8, Miami, FL, USA
2012 - Winner of grant for Exhibition Fordistas 7, Miami, FL, USA
2006 - Scholarship granted by the Headquarters of Bancaja, Madrid, Spain; Type of studies: Doctoral. Realized at the faculty of Fine Arts at Valencia Polytechnic University, Spain.
2002 - 2005 Scholarship granted by the Headquarters of Cultural and Scientific Relations, (AECI) Madrid, Spain; Type of studies: Doctoral. Realized at the faculty of Fine Arts at Valencia Polytechnic University, Spain.
2001 – Fellowship granted by the Faculty of the Set Design Studio at the Academy of Fine Arts, to take part in the restoration of the interiors of a Private Palace, Saint Denis, France

2014 - Exhibition Agnieszka Nowinska, "Fashion Is Art, Art Is Fashion" Gallery Kuratorium, Warsaw, Poland.
2014 - Exhibition Agnieszka Nowinska, "Indiewalls Gallery",Loews Miami Beach Hotel's Permanent Collection, Florida, Miami, USA.
2014 - Exhibition Agnieszka Nowinska, "Indiewalls Gallery",Loews Miami Beach Hotel's Permanent Collection, Florida, Miami, USA.
2014 - Exhibition Agnieszka Nowinska, "Trazos" Grup Show curated by Diana Sabine Leguizamo, Arte Sabine Gallery, Colombia
2014 - Exhibition Agnieszka Nowinska, Grup Show curated by SeeMe, SeeMe Gallery,
Times Square,Manhattan,New York, USA.
2014 - Exhibition Agnieszka Nowinska, Grup Show curated by SeeMe, See|Exhibition Space,
26-19 Jackson Avenue,Long Island City, Queens,New York, USA.
2014 - Exhibition Agnieszka Nowinska, Grup Show curated by Samantha Sigmon, FayettevilleUnderground Gallery, Fayetteville, Arkansa,USA.
2014 - Exhibition Agnieszka Nowinska, Grup Show curated by Samantha Sigmon, FayettevilleUnderground Gallery, Fayetteville, Arkansa,USA.
2014 - Exhibition Agnieszka Nowinska, Grup Show curated by Samantha Sigmon, FayettevilleUnderground Gallery, Fayetteville, Arkansa,USA.
2013 - Exhibition Agnieszka Nowinska, "Y Tu No?" Grup Show curated by Diana Sabine Leguizamo, Arte Sabine Gallery, Bogota,Colombia.
2013 - Exhibition Agnieszka Nowinska, Grup Show curated by Samantha Sigmon, Fayetteville Underground Gallery, Fayetteville, Arkansa,USA.
2013 - Exhibition Agnieszka Nowinska, It's All About Energy, Grup Show curated by Stefania Carrozzini, Onishi Gallery, Chelsea Art District, New York, USA.
2013 - Exhibition Agnieszka Nowinska, Restaurant & Gallery: Moon, Mix Media,Paintings, Bielsko - Biala, Poland.
2013 - Exhibition Agnieszka Nowinska Virtual Gallery: arting.com Mix Media, Touch of Breath, NYC, USA.
2013 - Exhibition Agnieszka Nowinska, Made in Arte, Grup Show curated by Galeria Arte Sabine, Ibague, Columbia
2013 - Exhibition Agnieszka Nowinska, Pop-Up Gallery, Alessandra Gold, Mix Media Miami, USA.
2013 - Exhibition Agnieszka Nowinska Virtual Gallery: arting.com Mix Media, The Palate Of Harvest II, NYC, USA.
2013 - Exhibition Agnieszka Nowinska Pop-Up Gallery: Moon, Mix Media, Bielsko Biala, Poland.
2012 - Exhibition Agnieszka Nowinska, Art Basel , Pop-Up Gallery, Alessandra Gold, Mix Media, Miami, USA.
2012 - Exhibition Agnieszka Nowinska, Mix Art "The Palate Of Harvest" Miami Beach, USA.
2012 - Exhibition Agnieszka Nowinska, Mix Media "Fordistas 7", Gallery Product /81, Wynwood, Miami, USA.
2012 - Exhibition Agnieszka Nowinska, Mix Media Fordistas Presents: Rebuilding Japan One Year Later , Gallery Product /81, Wynwood, Miami Fl,USA.
2012 - Individual exhibition Agnieszka Nowinska, Mix Media & Painting, Gallery Product/81,Wynwood, Miami,USA.
2012 - Individual exhibition Agnieszka Nowinska, Mix Media & Painting, Private Gallery, Miami , Fl, USA.
2011 - Individual exhibition Agnieszka Nowinska, Mix Media, Private Gallery" Warsaw , Poland.
2011 - Individual exhibition Agnieszka Nowinska, Mix Media, Arsenal Palace" Chorzow , Poland.
2011 - Individual exhibition Agnieszka Nowinska, Mix Media, Gallery "Fabryka Jakosci Anny Drabczynskiej" Bielsko- Biala , Poland
2011 - Individual exhibition Agnieszka Nowinska, Mix Media, Gallery "Moon" Bielsko- Biala , Poland.
2011 - Individual exhibition Agnieszka Nowinska, Digital Paintings, "Fountain", Miami, Fl, USA.
2010 - Group exhibition Zeros+Ones: The Digital Era, Climate Gallery, Long Island City, NY, USA.
2010 - Individual exhibition Agnieszka Nowinska, Digital Paintings, Buchinger Clinic, Marbella, Spain.
2010 - Group exhibit Digital Art Extravaganza, Limner Gallery, Hudson, NY, USA.
2009 - Individual exhibition Agnieszka Nowinska: A Retrospective, Centro Comercial Plaza Del Mar, Marbella, Spain.
2009 - Group exhibition Snap to Grid, LACDA, Los Angeles Center for Digital Art, Los Angeles, CA, USA.
2009 - Competition INK01, International Illustration Rally, Bilbao, Spain.
2008 - Competition UF Levin College of Law, Art in State Buildings Program at the University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA.
2008 - Competition UF Biomedical Sciences, Art in State Buildings Program at the University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA.
2008 - Photography contest Descubrimientos PHE08 (Photo España). Madrid, Spain.
2008 - Exhibition for the contest A New Language in Mixed Media, Artegory.com
2007 – Participation in the Second Festival of Art in Nerja, Spain.
2007 – Participation in the poster exhibition: Mostra of Valencia, Valencia, Spain.
2007 – Solo exhibition of illustrations and collages in the Gallery DAGMAR, Nerja, Spain.
2003 - 2004 – Participation in the poster exhibition, Mostra of Valencia, Valencia, Spain.
2002 – Exhibition of illustrations Anatomy Labiryntu (The Anatomy of the Labyrinth), Krakow. Poland.
2001 – Participation of the movie K Kontra Kafka in the Animation Film Festival, Berlin, Germany.
2001 – Solo exhibition of illustrations, Czarniec, Poland.
2001 – Participation of the movie, K Kontra Kafka in the Festival of Animated Movies, Helsinki, Finland.
2000 – Participation in Graphic Artists Expo titled My Krakow in the gallery Labirynt, in Krakow, Poland.
2000 – Exhibition of paintings in the gallery Zderzak in Krakow, Poland.
1999 – Participation of the movie Gwiazdy I the Czlowieka (The Stars and the Destiny of Man) in the Film Festival of Shorts and Documentaries, Krak Film, Krakow, Poland.
1999 – Participation in exhibition for Masters of Fine arts in Myslenice, Poland
1999 – Exhibition of illustrations in Art Gallery of the Instytut Ekspertyz Sadowych (Institute of Forensic Research), Krakow, Poland.
1999 – Exhibition of illustrations and collage titled: Anatomy Labiryntu (The Anatomy of the labyrinth) in the Judaic Foundation - Center for Jewish Culture (Fundacja Judaic, Centrun Kultury Zydowskiej), Krakow, Poland.
1999 – Presentation of the final project for MFA inspired by Jules Verne's work titled: The trip to the center of the Earth - interior design for hall of the museum of Modern Art: Gallery Manga, Krakow, Poland. The Judaic Foundation - Center for Jewish Culture, (Fundacja Judaic, Centrun Kultury Zydowskiej) Krakow, Poland.
1998 – Presentation of final project of career in the Faculty of Set Design along with individual exhibition of Collage and Illustrations.
1998 – Presentation of the animated movie "K Kontra Kafka" in the City Art Palace of Krakow, Poland.
1998 – Participation in Art Exhibition at the Technological Museum of Warsaw, Poland.
1998 – Participation in the 4th edition of the Festival Art Multi Visione with the presentation of the animated movie K Kontra Kafka together with a series of backgrounds from movie, Rieti, Italy.
1998 – Participation in the Exhibition Nowi Czlonkowie ZPAP (Induction of new members of Polish Federation of Visual Artists) in the Center of Fine Arts of Krakow, Poland.
1998 – Solo exhibition of collages titled Broth Miasto Krakow (Krakow, My City), The Judaic Foundation - Center for Jewish Culture, (Fundacja Judaic, Centrun Kultury Zydowskiej) Krakow, Poland.
1997 – Solo exhibition and Installation under the title "Mialem Kiedys Dom" (I Had the House Once), in Center of Jewish Culture, Krakow, Poland.
1996 – Solo exhibition of Collage and Illustrations in The Judaic Foundation - Center for Jewish Culture, (Fundacja Judaic, Centrun Kultury Zydowskiej) Krakow, Poland.